Challenge & Resilience
Our Congo Kids Initiative family is never surprised at the resourcefulness of the nuns who lead the St. Kizito child center. In the face of ongoing cycles of conflict and resource scarcity, they are constantly finding ways to share their love with the dozens of children in need. It's one of the many reasons that CKI can be confident that support provided is going to be well-utilized.
However, recently St. Kizito faced a new challenge - the collapse of part of our school.
School collapse
Luckily, this happened just after children had left for the day, so no one was hurt, but it has meant that resources had to be immediately diverted for repair.
Repair in progress
Today, we are reaching out to ask those who can to contribute to the cost of repairing our school by making a donation. In the coming months, we will be strategizing on longer-term solutions. We invite your participation as we work to ensure that each and every child who comes into our care has access to the crucial asset, education, that can lift them out of poverty and into a self-directed life.
As always, we are grateful for your support and hope that this time of celebration and joy finds you well.
In gratitude!
The Congo Kids Initiative Team
Let’s get learning!